Each species ranges from one-eighth inch (3.2 mm) to three-sixteenth inches (4.8 mm) long. Other home remedies: You can either put ginger, garlic or a whole turmeric inside rice container to keep rice … They're usually found in slightly warmer climates. There are several types of weevils that are infamous for their abilities to damage stored seeds and grains, including Granary Weevils, Rice Weevils, and Cowpea Weevils. Once grain weevils (a.k.a. Q: I have rice weevils and am wary of having a pest professional treat, as I attempt to social distance due to COVID-19. Do you have suggestions for treating on my own? A: When dealing with rice weevils, the only way to get them under control is to eliminate the food source(s). Weevils, especially strawberry root weevils, are attracted to moisture. While this isn’t the most fun job, it is unavoidable to get rid of an infestation. They can therefore be used to get rid of weevils in grocery stores, food processing plants and storage facilities in addition to their use at home. Speaking from experience, these moths and weevils (aka rice and flour bugs) can literally take over your entire home. Both rice and granary weevils have divided bodies made up of a head, thorax, and abdomen. How to Get Rid of Weevils by Cleaning the Pantry. The best method to get rid of Rice Weevils if you have an infestation in your pantry is tossing out all your stored dried food products, doing a detailed cleanup and vacuuming, then applying Novacide Aerosol to kill adult Rice Weevils and halt the development of eggs and larvae. To get rid of weevils in your food storage areas, you can make use of weevil traps. You can trap them in shallow pans of water placed around foundations or walls of the house. Rice weevils are a dull red-brown and can fly. These pans do not capture enough weevils to reduce the number of weevils entering homes. Feeding will occur for 1-3 weeks and then larvae will spin a cocoon in which they will pupate to an adult. To do this, you have to be able to identify weevils. I’m not 100% sure which kind attacked my wheat, but don’t worry – I knew I wanted to get rid of them. Types: Rice weevils (fliers) and granary weevils (non-fliers) Difficult to control pests (present in stored products) Weevils create a ‘shot-hole’ appearance on a grain where they lay their eggs; Adult weevils have a lifespan of 7 to 8 months ; Female weevil lays 50 to 250 eggs per lay ; Weevil Flour Beetles Eggs will hatch within a couple of days of being laid and feed immediately. Weevils. However, some weevils will get inside your home and will hide inside your walls and windowsills, or will feed on stored food items like flour, rice, oats, or other grains. flour weevils) or rice weevils present themselves, you’ve got a problem. Below mentioned household items are all the time present in one’s home and they are a very inexpensive method to keep these weevils out of your grocery items for less than 2$ Cloves; One of the best ways to get rid of weevils naturally is to put cloves where there are chances of invasion of weevils. Generally, pesticides are not required. And fast! If you’ve experienced something like this, you’ll need to know how to control and get rid of weevils. It’s a lot easier to prevent pantry pests than deal with an infestation. Some species, such as rice weevils and grain weevils, attack stored seeds and grains. Signs of a Weevil … By that, we mean clean your kitchen cupboards and pantry. Here’s what you need to know about insect-proof food storage methods and what to do if you get an infestation. Cloves are a strong repellent to weevils. The first step in getting rid of the weevil beetle is to clean house. These will attract granary, bean and rice weevils to them. Various kinds of weevils are found in garden spaces, feeding on crops and a variety of plants. A single female can lay up to 400 eggs, which means up to 400 more hungry bugs lookin’ for a snack. Keep the contaminated flour in the sunlight for a day and you get rid of weevils easily. RICE WEEVIL LARVAE ^ Rice weevils start their life as a small caterpillar (larvae) which typically hatches on a food like wheat grain, seeds or nuts.