Thank you for the idea of putting the plant above the bowl . Julia, I don’t know of any issues with growing chives in your aquafarm, although it is certainly not a common aquarium plant. The most common of these is the hourglass-shaped betta vase with a “Peace Lily” (the Brazilian Sword from earlier) suspended at the neck of the vase but any plants that need their leafy bits above the water level can be kept this way. i just got a betta fish and i was wondering if i can put an aloe plant with my betta will it kill it or will it be ok. Hello Jordan, The aloe plant is a succulent plant not adapted to the all-aquatic environment of most betta setups. Thank you again and also thank you for answering my question so quickly,glad to see this is still active. Mosses are also good for betta tanks as well as floating plants like Duckweed or Azolla (just make sure they are allowed in your area as some areas prohibit some floating plants as invasive species). It certainly can’t be kept completely submerged and you would want only the roots in the water. there is an exhaust fan that switches on and off through the day in there. Thanks for the comment. But then continues to tell people on this blog that betta can live and thrive in a 1 gallon tank. We try to provide as much unbiased information as possible but as with any hobby, personal experiences and opinions may vary. You can also use something like a turkey baster or this Betta Waste Remover to help remove the leftovers. Maybe even making it hard to swim to the top to feed. You may also inadvertently disease your fish by putting a houseplant in with your betta. Hello India, Spider plants should do fine in a vase-opening application, offshoots with roots already growing can be anchored in the to p of the vase and the roots should grow into the water. Hi Kerry, The Bamboo should be fine. Most fish are ruled by the bigger tank the better mentality, but bettas and other small labyrinth fish can live long, healthy lives in well-maintained small enclosures. if the plant is, what ones will do good in low lighting? Older Betta fish won’t have that youngster energy to explore. Taking anything from outside and putting it in an aquarium is also always very risky because of pesticides, fertilizers, runoff and other toxins that are found outside and can harm your fish. it, you are a great author.I will remember to bookmark your blog and will often come back sometime soon. As we mentioned above, may popular set up with plants involve suspending the plant above the level of the tank. Hello Daynah, There are two plants that some people refer to as “Aquatic Mint”: Mentha aquatica and Clinopodium brownei (which is also known as Mint Charlie, Creeping Charlie or Micromeria brownei). Thank you Dawn…good luck with your new betta! Listed below are species that have worked more than once for myself or someone else. 1. Mentha aquatica is a marginal bog plant and shouldn’t be completely submerged in water. for 100 fundraising ideas. These plants are all generally tropical, meaning they need water at a consistent temperature, usually about 74-78 degrees…coincidentally, the same temperature your betta will thrive at as well. With the cup we used in our example, I would cut out the black area in the center. The Lucky Bamboo should really only have their roots in water, and maybe only an inch or two of their stalk, so what is your opinion on adding Lucky Bamboo? Those frequent changes can actually be harmful to some plants (especially rooted or bulb plants) if they are disturbed often. Can I put a red apple aptenia in my beta tank? Can I put a live garden fern in a betta tank? what plants can i put in in my betta/neon tetra fish tank that i can find in my backyard? She also purchased 4 ghost shrimp. Then slowly added the animals. It is unlikely the plant would survive. Learn how to properly care for your new betta fish. Some modern, high-end tanks even have a built-in section just for a live plant above the water but even if yours doesn’t you can create your own. Anubias could also work. Hi, I bought my betta fish today and the lady at the pet store told me that I can only use a Peace Lily for a rooting plant in his vase. Cheers and Beers Dawson[/img] Any way. And of course get all the things you need to take care of a Betta fish. Staci, I have seen a few ways to suspend a plant above a tank, so that the roots can dangle in the water. This isn’t something that we deal with here but the consensus appears to be that black oak is more toxic than white oak. ... Best Plants for a Betta Fish Tank Anubias Nana – Definitive Care … I have seen little beta ” cubes” in stores, these ”cubes” have got to be only a quart of water for capacity. It is not safe for many mammals to ingest and I don't think I'd risk it with fish either, though rooting a stem might be all right. Clinopodium brownei can be grown completely underwater and would be safe for your betta. i was wondering about the plants. Questions like “How large or small does a betta enclosure need to be.” And then the answer given by the blog owner is generally 1 gallon or even 0.5 gallon. I aquired a plastic plant taht goes almost to the top of the water so he can eat and breath without to much effort. The best Betta fish tank that we’ve found that we believe offers enough for everybody is the MarineLand Portrait Aquarium Kit.For those of you just getting started, it’s the ideal place to start and provides a perfect 5 gallon Betta tank to ensure they’re nice and comfortable in their new home with plenty of room to explore. If you bought an umbrella palm, Cyperus alternifolius, it should be safe for the betta, but may not do too well as it is a high light plant and will need full sun to thrive. Devils ivy will grow directly in water, you can cut off a section of a vine and place it directly in a glass of water and wait for the roots to form (do this during the growing season, i.e. If it is suspended on an angle, it will grow crooked. In general we recommend keeping a betta by itself. I have a new tank and put 2 fish in after 24 hours, now after a couple of d... Do i just put my betta fish back into its tank after putting conditioner, b... Why you shouldn't put goldfish in a fish bowl. When people say they are going to get less then a gallon tell them that is not an okay environment, because it isn’t. Thanks for your input Eileen. Creeping plants such as Devils Ivy and Creeping Fig are great for covering the walls of the tank, and some shy species like these plants because they prefer hiding behind these plants. It's also an invasive plant. I have recently torn down the whole system, bought new lines, filters and scrubbed and cleaned all the decorations. I believe Ivy is toxic to fish (pond fish, at least). Hello P Gerking, I wouldn’t recommend completely sealing off the aquarium and the Betta would still have to be fed. Hosta plants prefer moist but not wet soil and would likely not do well with their roots underwater. I don’t want to lose these fish, I have an 18inch Pacu and two 8 inch Oscars and one 10 inch Oscar. When people ask you how big a tank should be answer in a proper way that does not give out misinformation. I haven’t found too much info on using English Ivy with a betta and it isn’t a plant we offer but it appears that a rooted cutting would be ok but avoid using a fresh trimming. ( specifically this tank: e If so, you can try a treatment with BettaFix or Betta Revive to help regenerate the fins and curb any disease that may be showing up. Hello Myrinne, There seem to be a lot of mixed results on that type of setup and avocados are not aquarium plants so there isn’t a lot of information on their compatibility. They max out at about 3 inches but the fins can add about 2 more inches to the length. 72132 Views. Better to keep the habitat clean for the fish’s sake. 24 hours later we can only find 1 of the ghost shrimp. Can someone please help??? Devils Ivy is basically a poisonous plant, with roots in the water it takes up a lot of nitrates, won't hurt fish that just nibble, but fish that eats plants can be deadly. Lavender isn’t a bog or water plant so the seeds aren’t likely to grow but they shouldn’t be harmful. Would a betta be okay with Dwarf hairgrass (Eleocharis acicularis) as well as Water Sprites (Ceratopteris thalictroids)? I wouldnt expect it to survive in or on an aquarium. Do you know if it’d be safe to transfer to the betta bowl? You only need 2-3 drops per gallon. While bettas can be kept in tanks or large bowls (preferably at least 1 gallon at the absolute bare minimum) without a filter, the lack of filter means that the water would need to be changed more frequently. The plant is safe for the fish, but lucky bamboo cannot be completely submerged so you’ll need a piece tall enough that the leaves will be above the water line. Is this healthy for a fish? For examples on this type of setup, you can Google “wheatgrass with betta” to see some examples that others have setup; I found two tutorials very quickly HERE and HERE. If your water is cloudy you may be over feeding. Have you seen them combined with the Betta various ways? Overall, it may be feasible but I wouldn’t recommend it. Hello Eric, The size of that tank should be fine and whatever conditioner you are using should have dosing instructions on it…always follow the recommended instructions. Any help you could give would be appreciated. Some popular and easy choices are fast-growing stalk plants like Anacharis, Hornwort, Myrio, Ludwigia and countless others. so, my concern is…..trying to keep my apartment healthy without killing the fish/plants. or i’m also looking at amazon frogbit. Mos... John: Eileen, Thanks for getting back to me so soon. For treating cloudy eye, and advanced infection, I usually reccomend the use of a broad spectrum antibiotic such as Jungle’s Fungus eliminator ( Nitrofurazone, Furizolidone based product). My betta is inside the plant, but he still moves inside the plant, he is not stuck in the plant. The cube tank has a lid that lifts and a window for feeding. Also, an English Ivy cutting ok to put the roots in the tank? Are umbrella plants okay for Betta fish? The plant by its self is absolutely stunning but the only thing that would make it better could be to have a fish ,Betta, swimming amongst the beautiful submerged leafs is this plant toxic to the fish? Can someone tell me if it is ok to put in a tank with Africans or if not why?? If you have chlorinated water, just fill a bucket or jug with water the day before you plan to use it and the chlorine should not be an issue. I used luke warm water from the tap to fill the bowl then added one male betta fish(Petco), and feed him a very small amount of betta flakes (Petco). Hi I grow a lot of mint plants and I was wondering of chocolate mint is toxic for my betta fish?? I recommend a seperate enclosure of about a gallon in size for each betta you want to keep. How long for me to wait to put my fish back in my tank after cleaning it, Can I put Water conditioner while my fish are in tank, URGENT need to know what fish I can put in a 3.5 gallon tank, How to clean rocks to put them in an aquarium. Cornelius seems pleased with his tank but I also worry about the heat right now. What about ornamental sweet potatoe vine in a betta tank? Male bettas should be housed alone as they can be aggressive towards other fish, be nipped by other fish, and may eat small shrimp after they molt. If you are using them to create a blackwater environment, it seems that white oak leaves would be safer than black oak. Thank you! The plants are not the issue in sad cases of betta demise, I believe, but the way the plants are applied to the display. Even if you have live plants in the tank, you still need to feed your fish. I just want to know what’s right. Hello Adrienne, In trying to figure out what kind of plant you are referring to as “Exotic Angel Plant”, it looks like that is a brand name of plants rather than one particular species so I wouldn’t be able to tell you if the one you have is safe or not. Great help. But I’m worried as the tail has begun to split and on the edges of the fin it’s discolouring into a blackish brown. I have a bamboo plant that I had in my 1st betta tank years ago. Thanks! I have a Rainbow colored Fantail male Betta in a 3 Gallon Halfmoon tank. Hi Sara, I wouldn’t expect cilantro/coriander to be safe submerged in the aquarium. I am assuming by money plant you are referring to moneywort, Bacopa monieri. The first thing that I would look at is your water quality, recuring bacterial infections are often a symptom of poor water quality, caused by lack of filtration, overcrowding or some other stressful factor. If the plant does take the chlorine out, how long should the plant be in the water to take the chlorine out and what size plant should it be for a gallon size container? thanks. I would also use caution if you are reusing the water into basil that you are harvesting for your own consumption; water conditioners for aquariums aren’t made for human use. But then continues to tell people on this blog that betta can live and thrive in a 1 gallon tank. I dump out the rest of the old water and recycle it. these need to be harvested about every 2 weeks and I was hoping to have something in there that will help clean the water without to much replanting but the roots will be submerged and not reach into the rest of the tank? These plants live at the edges of ponds or swamps and are used to having their roots in water. If the scales are sticking out like a pinecone however, this is a sign of a condition known as dropsy which is usually not curable. is regular bamboo ok to have in a betta tank? By recycling it I mean, I have Basil plants and I use 2 ltr bottles that I fill with the old fish water and I shove the neck of it in the dirt (kinda like those glass watering bulbs). – can’t be kept in a wet environment and would make a poor choice for your betta. Hello Elizabeth, I’m afraid I don’t understand what type of plant and setup you are looking to create. Your temperature is fine around 26C/78F. I live in California, so there are a few oak trees around where I live. You often see pothos used not only in aquariums, but also in hydroponic systems and bioactive terrariums. I only have small tanks right now but I felt its better then that cup for now. you read and agreed to the. I hope everyone’s Bettas live long and healthy lives. Hello Dawn, Do you know the scientific name of the plant you are referring to as an “Arrowhead Plant”? And so far this is the best website I’ve found on betta info. There are over a thousand species of bamboo, and they will each vary on the requirements they need to survive. Cool! I bought a bubbler that said it would help keep the tank clean. Use some form of clip or fasten to the edge to support. I haven’t heard of anyone successfully keeping basil with a betta. I just got two betas and they are duing really well, except one of the betas has small tears in it’s fins. Hello Cheyenne, I apologize if you feel the information we give is inconsistent. It's very easy and anyone can do it. Two plants seem to be the most common with this name; Syngonium podophyllum is a houseplant that wouldn’t survive in that wet of an environment and may be harmful to the fish and Sagittaria latifolia is a marginal pond plant that grows very large but should do OK with its roots submerged and leaves above water level. Most other aquarium fish would also need filtration and warmer water temperatures than bettas can tolerate as well as good filtration. Other good candidates include hornwort, anubias and crypts. I’ve had it for over a year in a container with just water so I’m not worried about the plants survival. Hi Anonymous, Unfortunately we wouldn’t be able to say what the markets in your country may have available. Are betta fish and zebra danios compatible? Shouldn’t be toxic to the fish, but it will need high light and indoors they are prone to spider mites. Some of these plants are affected by state restrictions however and may not be available in all states. Here is a comprehensive guide to finding other fish that can live with bettas. Hi Justin, as long as the tank isn’t in direct sun the temperature shouldn’t become too high. You can also use a small piece of Styrofoam, or other floating material that you poke a hole in for the roots to pass through. I’ve got him near a window but the curtains are never drawn so he’d not in direct flight. January 2, 2009 Money talks. You can use a small clear deli cup with an x shaped hole cut in the bottom. would this be okay? I just dont want to hurt the plant or suffocate Cornelius. A betta seen nibbling at a plant is more likely bored, starving, or picking off tiny animals on the surface of the plant. Betta Fish. I’ll probably be returning to read through more, thanks for the information! When adding some stones to keep the plant upright, it is best to use larger pebbles or gravel so it doesn’t fall through the hole into the tank below. Devil’s ivy is listed as an evergreen species of flowering plant within the Araceae family. Should I try the Malechite green? Moss or fern?????. Do Betta’s thrive better in a heated home versus a cold water system? This place is amazing!! Extra individuals need to learn this and perceive this side of the story. For example, we carry the AquaSprouts Garden at our retail store (unfortunately, it is not available for shipping). How often do you clean and change the water? How long do betas live? Spot on with this write-up, I seriously believe that this web site needs far more attention. however I was wondering if there are any plants that I can put in the top that don’t require harvesting and replanting a lot? So as long as you make sure all the fry are getting eaten there isn’t going to be a problem. You have to be a little more creative with the hole in the plastic so the bamboo is snug. Thank you. I have called the head office to complain about the poor care of their fish but nothing has ever changed. They aren’t active fish and since they should be housed alone, a smaller enclosure like the cube habitats are fine. Adding Pothos AKA Devil's Ivy, to improve aquarium water quality is something many people do. You can read more about the “bleach wash” you were referring to as well as other methods on our blog article Dipping Plants to Eliminate Snails and we have a number of articles on Live Plants and Planted Aquariums in the Aquatic Article Archive on our website. For more information on bettas and their care, please read these helpful articles in our archives:, While the fish can survive in these conditions – they aren’t enjoying it. I also have a betta in 2 different 1 1/2 gallon fish bowls. Bettas are carnivores, meaning they eat meaty food…NOT plants. I just recently bought a betta,i boiled the decorations before i put them in the bowl, the bowl may be a bit big for the betta but i need a plant that will work for him. I have and idea of the effects of thison my tank, but I don't want to miss anytime and suffer a livestock loss. (: I have to disagree with some of the advice given on this blog. Devil's Ivy is an invasive plant and grows really fast on its own. Some do grow around the edges of ponds or other marshy areas but aren’t fully submerged. I took a 2 1/2 hour nap and woke to him in the same position at the bottom of the tank. devils ivy in aquariums. Hello Cheyanneec, Sounds like a nice betta! We bought betta conditioner and all, and I’m almost positive we did that right, and his color looks inhansed, but he cannot stay still! I’ve heard oak leaves can be used as an alternative to Indian Almond Leaves, but I’m not sure which oak leaves are more preferable. He was in such a small amount of water, the top of his fin was exposed to air for a long period of time and is damaged. Is an angel wing Begonia plants safe for Bettas? I am not understanding what happened I made this arrangement for my BF as a healing measure since fish and planting are therapeutic and I was very disappointed with the fish dying before 24 hours I want this beautiful arrangement with the betta fish, and I would love to have a happy healthy fish that will swim around and bring joy to my BF, PLEASE HELP ME what did I do wrong? She’s in her new bowl with some gravel at the bottom but she looks so lonely. is that OK I do note know but somone sad that they wer OK?????. Hello Sonya, It is hard to say without knowing what plant you are referring to, but I wouldn’t recommend putting any land plants in an aquatic environment. I have seen quite a few fish die within a matter of hours when these plants were added. Hello I have a betta fish ….I do not want to buy any plants but I would like my fish to be active ….hence is it okay fr me to put sm leaves which we buy fr shops fr cooking …..I was thinking of putting coriander leaves into the tank without its stemp …..I was thinking to give the coriander leaves a proper wash in water and then put it in …..but was wondering is it safe for betta ??? Very informative for those who want to start their own acquarium =). I’ll definitely try the extracts. This is a bog plant and could be used with a betta but not fully submerged; the roots can be underwater but the leaves would need to be above water level. The Airplane Plant should be fine, the roots will grow into the water, just be sure that any dead leaves are trimmed from the plant and that the plants are not too far into the water, just the tips of the roots. The betta would need to be fed regularly as well so the setup would have to allow you to be able to feed the fish without disturbing the plant too much, and the water would need to be changed regularly as well. They should be fine for a short time though while you find something appropriate for your tank but I wouldn’t recommend leaving it completely bare for a long time. A good Betta fish tank should allow space for it to swim, as well as provide a place to hide. I recomment live plants for their aesthetic value and thier ability to keep the environment cleaner and more healthy for fish. There are several plants that go by that common name. Torn or fraying betta fins are usually a sign of problems with the water quality more often than “sharp” plants so just make sure you test your water and everything is good there. As with any plants, you may need to prune or trim the plant as it grows so it doesn’t take over the tank. I’m also planning to put a moss ball in there. I’ve had a spider plant and my fish in an aquaponics tank for a few months now, probably since the end of Jan/ beginning of Feb. My fish loves it, but I have noticed that some of the roots turn brown, some of them have filled up with water, I touched one of them and there was a long thin root inside of it. Hi Saif Khan, Devil’s Ivy (aka Golden Pothos or Epipremnum aureum) wouldn’t be a good choice with a betta. Hi, I made a lucky bamboo arrangement, I washed all the river rocks and aquatic plant before placing in XL brandy glass. Also you tell people that plastic plants are okay when they aren’t, not for betta fish. My boyfriend and I just bought a new tank of ten gallons with a filter system and pebbles, we just haven’t got to the plants yet. A betta male has long fins that need to be excersized in a suitable tank that is safe for them to do so. Time being and want to rearange them, devil's ivy in betta fish tank ’ ll need at least watts. 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